Lovisa Ringborg, Silver och svart, photography and sculpture, 11 November–18 December 2021

The body that carries me is not mine, the gaze is borrowed.
A landscape slowly floating beneath the steps, and the water binding it together is silver and black. All living things are glowing from within. Electric.
From plants and trees a high frequency alarm, intense but barely audible. 

We are pleased to present a new show with Lovisa Ringborg, Silver och svart. The presentation includes new photography together with a sculpture – Ringborg’s first sculpture in bronze. The bronze in the shape of a greyhound is based on the work Stray Dog Monument presented in Ringborg’s acclaimed exhibition at Fotografiska in Stockholm earlier this year.

The frozen moment is still loaded with life in Ringborg’s landscapes. A possibility of metamorphosis. Closing in on water reflections, a thickening fog, or a deep dark lake – nature almost seems to hide a gateway, another layer, just beyond our reach. The dog as motif is at first sight something safe and domesticated but also holds the contradictory aspect of being something primitive and unpredictable. Landscape and nature are recurring themes in Ringborg’s works, often as a manifestation of something unfamiliar or unknown.

As in her latest photographic series, Ringborg has continued to work with a silver gelatin technique, inspired by the idea that we do not seem to experience colours in deep sleep. For Lovisa Ringborg, dreams, our subconsciousness, and inner and outer realities always work as a source of inspiration.

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