Matthias van Arkel, Altered Measurements, Clear Painting, 25 February – 2 April 2016

Cecilia Hillström Gallery is delighted to present Matthias van Arkel’s second solo show at the gallery, Altered Measurements, Clear Painting. The exhibition is accompanied by a publication with a text by Rick Herron, independent curator based in New York, and design by Peter Sellberg.

With his new body of work, van Arkel returns to a series of wall based works that expand upon lines of conceptual inquiry, including sculptural and spatial problems, that he has explored since he began working with silicone rubber in 2004. By imposing systematic strictures upon his process, Matthias van Arkel creates a nuanced series of seven new paintings that each share the same height, but vary in width, depth, density, process and color. Although each painting enjoys its own autonomy and operates by its own internal logic, they beg to be compared to each other. As pairs and trios seem to begin to resolve themselves, the next piece complicates things and introduces more questions. van Arkel is unsatisfied at merely making paintings, and instead makes allusions to science, politics, history, philosophy and magic through a concise vocabulary of material and color. (read the complete text by Rick Herron here.)

Photos: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

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